Our first blog post about the concept of epigenetics discussed how our environment is the greatest factor in our overall gene expression and health. Personally, and collectively.

Getting To The Root Cause…

With that in mind, our first environmental factor to discuss that carries a lot of weight revolves around nutrition! Sadly, it has become increasingly difficult for us to properly nourish ourselves and our families over the last several decades. The primary reason is simply because greed has gradually and semi-silently taken over our food industry in the last century.

100 years ago, 90% of American families were farmers. Naturally, understanding how to sustainably grow and prepare nutritious food to feed ourselves was common knowledge. However, as the industrial revolution progressed, more people began working in the factories manufacturing raw goods. As well as, for the companies downstream in the supply chain that brought all manner of new goods and services into the world.

Eventually, this led to farming and kitchen knowledge no longer being common. As people moved to cities they felt they no longer needed that knowledge since they needed to make room for a new set of skills. And besides, they could soon buy all their food at the store! It certainly appeared logical that all that boring farming knowledge was no longer needed!

This was a grave assumption, and a great example of why we must honor the knowledge of the past. It was only passed down and refined over thousands of years, so I’m sure our ancestors got more than just a few things right! ;^)

It is true that our society and economy boomed as the 1900’s progressed, but it turns out there was a price to pay for it that wouldn’t manifest for several generations. We are currently witnessing the full ramifications of our collective actions with the widespread diseases that are running us all into the ground.

How Did We Get Here!?

It used to be a mystery as to how we got here, but we now have all the data we could ever need to understand how our environment changed drastically, causing the state of our health to do so as well. One of the largest factors has been the steady decline of the quality of our food and industry practices.

Without going into all the details here, suffice it to say the bulk of our food choices now have more contaminants and known carcinogens in them than the actual nutrients we need to survive and detox these contaminants from our system. The great news is, we just have to flip the environment and begin to consume more nutrient dense whole foods, and less of the nutrient barren “food-like” substances on the store shelves. 

The Solution!

This is why we strongly believe in voting with our dollars and defunding the broken industrial food system by supporting our local farmers as much as possible instead! It is generally cheaper to buy local anyway, but more importantly, it keeps our hard earned money revolving in our communities and not slipping into the pockets of those without ethics.

Plus, a huge bonus is that the amount of nutrients you are getting in your food per dollar spent is several fold greater! This translates into better health (lower healthcare) and an overall greater quality of life for us all!

On To The Smoothie!

All this to say that this is why we have created this smoothie recipe! Our intention is to help people create a healthier nutritional environment within their body, while creating a healthier, more sustainable, agricultural model at the same time! So hit your weekly farmers market and local health food stores first, and then supplement from other sources as needed. We will do another post soon all about how and where to source your food, so stay tuned!

The goal of this smoothie is to make optimal nutrition less complicated and easier to implement for everyone. It will slowly detox the body and nourish our gut microbiome and endocannabinoid system (ECS) simultaneously. These two systems serve as the foundation of our health since all the other systems of our body are integrated into them.

We all know the phrase, “we are what we eat,” but more accurately, we are what our gut bacteria can digest and absorb into the body. It turns out, we are physically made up of what we have been consuming for the last year. Every year, 98% of our cells are replaced with brand new cells constructed from the materials we chose to eat and drink.

Therefore, if we stop consuming contaminated, nutrient deficient foods, and start consuming real, whole foods as much as possible, we will be an entirely different person in 1 year! Luckily, this smoothie recipe makes that so much easier to do since we can pack several meals worth of plants into one drink!

Without a healthy gut microbiome, we cannot be healthy. This is why we try to have 30-40 ounces of this exact smoothie daily to keep our guts strong! Keep in mind, you should start off around 8-16 ounces since the spike in fiber content can cause constipation, gas and even diarrhea!

So take your time as you ramp up, because your system needs time to adjust! Drinking 100+ ounces of clean filtered water a day will help you pass everything much more easily!

Side Note: We highly recommend getting a Berkey water filter or a similar quality filtration system too. Because much of our nation’s water supply also has high levels of contaminants in it that are known to harm our health. Watch some documentaries on Netflix about our bottled water industry while you’re at it so you can stop wasting your money on that disaster of a situation too! :^)

Why is Fiber so Important?

The high fiber content is what our gut microbiome(bacteria colonies) feed on to grow. We used to consume 100+ grams of fiber a day when we were all farmers, but now the national average is about 10 grams.

Clearly our beneficial gut microbes have been starving for quite some time now, so they will be stoked to receive all this nourishment again!

And just like the amazing creatures we call women, the more you nourish and care for your microbiome, the more they will pay back that love and generosity 10 fold!

Okay, Got It! And Why are Omega Fats so Important?

Omega fats are what get metabolized into the eicosanoids & endocannabinoids that keep our ECS in balance. We need a 3-4 part pro-inflammatory omega-6 profile, to a 1 part anti-inflammatory omega-3 profile to achieve balance. The average American has an omega-6:omega-3 ratio that falls between a 10:1 to 50:1!

And since we know excess inflammation is a root cause to all diseases, it should make intuitive sense that this is one of the underlying causes to all the chronic lifestyle diseases in our society right now.

This is why our smoothie contains the proper ratios of omega fat profiles. So don’t skip out on adding the hemp, chia and flax seeds or hemp seed oil! We personally add a small amount of all of them to every smoothie!

Okay, Anything Else to Know?

Besides these two very crucial components, the smoothie contains virtually all micro, macro and trace nutrients and minerals that our bodies need to not just survive, but thrive!

Think of this smoothie recipe as a customizable template that allows anyone, anywhere to get all their required daily nutrients in through a quick and easy meal replacement drink. While using the veggies and fruits that are local to them in season for best nutrition and varied flavor!

Mixing it up and diversifying what you put in will lead to the best results since every plant has a slightly different spectrum of nutrients to offer us! Plants provide us with the perfect example of how we collectively need to act by epitomizing the phrase, “Teamwork makes the dream work!”

So don’t delay, make your first smoothie today!! We know you will see remarkable results within the first 2-4 weeks of consistent consumption! Please let us know how your smoothie journey goes so we can add your weight loss and health improvement stats to our scoreboard! :^)

Blender Notes:

We recommend using a high speed blender with this recipe, especially if you’re going to be making freezer smoothie bags ahead of time. Regular blenders will work but you must follow the steps properly to ensure a smooth texture.

We have tried many blenders, and though some are much more reluctant than others, they will get the job done with either more blending steps or smaller batches. In all honesty, we highly recommend sticking with your cheap $20 blender until you can afford to invest in a new or refurbished Vitamix!

Click the link below if you want to see what they have to offer and what items are on sale! We are pretty confident you wont be disappointed because we have very high standards and we have put ours through some serious challenges for the last few years! We give it a full 10 out of 10, highly recommend! :^)

If you’re interested in a Vitamix, Click here and get yourself one today! P.S. by using our link, we get a little kick back at no extra cost to you. We truly appreciate your support!

Best Green Smoothie Recipe EVER!

Recipe by Begin BotanicalsCuisine: Health FoodDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time





Our daily smoothie typically contains the following:


  • 2-3 C Water

  • 2-3 TBSP Supplement Mix of choice (See below)

  • 1-2 TBSP Healthy Fat (Hemp seed oil &/or MCT oil)

  • 1-2 C Leafy Greens (Kale, Spinach, or Chard)

  • 1/2 C Broccoli

  • 1-2 Carrots

  • 1/2 in. Turmeric Root

  • 1/2 in. Ginger Root

  • 1 Banana

  • 1-2 C Fruits of choice (Fresh or frozen berries are best!)

  • Optional Add-ins:
  • Ice (desired coldness/thickness) *Not necessary if using pre-made frozen smoothie bags*

  • 1/4 C Plant based protein (we like hemp protein!)

  • 1/2-1 TBSP Local Raw Honey or 2-3 pitted dates

  • Supplement Mix (Makes 16oz container) :
  • 1/2 C Chia Flax Seeds

  • 1/2 C Flax Seeds

  • 1/2 C Hemp Seeds

  • 2 TBSP Cinnamon

  • 1 TBSP Maca Root Powder

  • 1 TBSP Spirulina Powder

  • 1 TBSP Cacao Powder

  • 1 TBSP Mushroom Powder (Reishi, chaga, lions mane, etc)


  • Add 2 scoops of the supplement mix, water, fats, and washed vegetables to a high speed blender and blend for 30s – 1 min or until smooth.
  • Add washed fruits and optional items now and blend until desired consistency is reached. (Usually 30s- 1 minute)
  • Smoothie Bag Method Instructions
  • Wash desired vegetables thoroughly and set on on a kitchen towel as you make your bags. The recipe above has enough ingredients to makes ONE smoothie bag and one smoothie bag is enough for 2 people.
  • Prepare vegetables by chopping them into smaller pieces; this will help to keep the blender from being overloaded. (Think: frozen veggies = ice cubes) We like to cut the kale in halves or thirds and the carrots into 2in pieces but its completely up to you!
  • Assemble bags by adding all prepped veggies and a peeled banana. Then place and store the bags in your freezer for a quick 5 minute smoothie in the morning! These keep for months but we usually use them within the week (:
  • When you’re ready to make a smoothie, simply grab your bag from the freezer and follow the same instructions above. *You’ll need more water when using frozen smoothie bags*


  • If you’re using a non- high speed blender, de-stem your kale and make sure you cut off the hard ends of your veggies before blending. This recipe can be made in weaker blenders but you must be patient and pay attention to make sure all your veggies are blended well before consumption. We originally made this recipe with a $20 Hamilton Beach Blender- It’s possible!
  • Don’t let your bananas spoil! If you have bananas that are going bad, peel and freeze them so you have them on hand for your smoothies!
  • Pro-tip: After you pour your blended smoothie in your containers, fill the dirty blender with water and pour onto your plants! This is great to pour on missing grass spots or dying plants because it acts as a rapid compost to give them the nutrients that will bring them back to life!

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational and informational purposes only. This information should not be used in lieu of professional medical advice. Please consult your common sense and your doctor before making any health related decisions. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.